· online contact manager, web based CRM software
· web based contact management software
· web-based customer relationship management

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absoluteBUSY QUICK - INFO:
· absoluteBUSY is the fastest and most simple professional web based CRM software.
· absoluteBUSY was a commercial product from 2001 to 2020, it is mature and stable, used by thousands of real business users. as per 2021 absoluteBUSY is a FREE SOFTWARE no licence costs. We kindly ask for donations to NGOs.
· based on an open source software stack LAMP/XAMPP (Apache/IIS, PHP, MySQL or Maria DB database). To be installed on your own (web)server or at your hosting provider's webspace.

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· How to get ...

· System requirements

· Modules and functions
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Note: absoluteBUSY is installed on your own company (web)server or on your web hosting provider's web space. The software is operated by you / your company. absoluteBUSY is not a subscription based, hosted service. Please read the "system requirements and installation" section for more details.

(Step 1) Try before you decide:
· Visit the absoluteBUSY Internet Live-Demo »
· Request a free absoluteBUSY evalution package for installation on your server or webspace. Specify the number of users, desired testing period (in number of months) and send email to: info@infoparc.com
Once you decide you want to further use absoluteBUSY and like to receive an unlimited licence file, then continue to Step-2.

(Step 2) If you decide to further use absoluteBUSY after the testing period, we kindly ask you to DONATE an amount of your choice to a NGO or charity organization of your choice (see below for suggestions of NGO's).
Once you send us a confirmation of your donation (e.g. screenshot) we will send you an unlimited absoluteBUSY licence file. We suggest a donation of EUR 40 per absoluteBUSY user.

NGO Organization    
www.msf.org MSF ... medecins sans frontieres international
www.doctorswithoutborders.org ... doctors without borders international
www.kiva.org KIVA ... Kiva is an international nonprofit organization
Caritas Austria Caritas Österreich (Austria) .. german language
Caritas International Caritas International (Germany) .. german language
Give Directly Give Directly .. Donate money directly to the worlds poorest
Upgrade + Support  
Basic support for technical and installation questions via email is provided for free, no guarantee.

Upgrades to new releases are free. Donation to a NGO or charity kindly requested. .


absoluteBUSY web CRM is a browser based application. Once the system is installed on a (web) server, all users can immediately access absoluteBUSY over the web or within your corporate network. No software installation is required at the users computer. This makes the rollout and maintainance of absoluteBUSY very simple.

Installation Scenarios:

INTERNET Installation on a hosting provider's webspace:
In this scenario absoluteBUSY CRM is installed at your web hosting provider's webspace (web host must support Apache, PHP, MySQL or Maria DB). All absoluteBUSY users with a valid user/password combination are able to access the system over the internet. All data is stored on the server of your hosting provider.

INTRANET Installation on your company server:
In this scenario absoluteBUSY CRM is installed on your company server and you can use absoluteBUSY within your corporate network. All data is stored on your company server. If the absoluteBUSY server is also connected to the public internet, then you will also be able to use absoluteBUSY from any location where you have internet access.

System Requirements:
Prior to the installation of absoluteBUSY, the following software modules must already be set up on the server and work properly:
· Operating System: Unix, Linux, *nix, Windows, Mac OS X
· Apache webserver or IIS webserver
· PHP-Module
· MySQL or Maria DB database
Versions required: Apache , PHP 7.4 or 8.3 or 8.4, MySQL or Maria DB

Installation of absoluteBUSY
on your company server
Installation of absoluteBUSY
at a web hosting provider
Choosing this option assumes that you are familiar with setting up the required system software on your server (APACHE-WebServer or IIS, PHP-module, MySQL or Maria DB Database).
Apache, PHP, MySQL or Maria DB is often pre-installed with many popular linux distributions. Binaries are also available for download from the internet for all popular operating systems (see sidebar for details).

Once Apache, PHP and MySQL/Maria DB are set up, installing absoluteBUSY is easy:
Step-1: Create a database on the MySQL/MariaDB server and set the appropriate access rights.
Step-2: Load the database with an inital load script (provided with install package).
Step-3: Copy all absoluteBUSY files to your webservers publishing directory.
Step-4: Edit the database connection parameters in the absoluteBUSY configuration file.

Thats all, you are ready to go!!
Admin user can now define additional absoluteBUSY users through the online administration panel.

absoluteBUSY can now be accessed within your network/intranet.
If your server is connected to the internet, then absoluteBUSY can also be accessed over the internet (web access).
In this case we strongly recommend to also install a firewall software for server and network protection.
This option is recommended if want to access absoluteBUSY over the web and if you do not want to operate your own server (see sidebar for some examples of hosting providers).

First you have to sign up with a web-hosting provider for webspace where you will install absoluteBUSY. The provider MUST support APACHE, PHP and MySQL/Maria DB (which is the case for most serious web hosting providers). There are numerous web hosting providers on the net, we can assist you in finding the right provider for your area. Just ask.

Installing absoluteBUSY at hosted webspace is very simple. All you have to do is creating the absoluteBUSY database (this can most times be done with the ONLINE tools that come with your webspace account) and then load this database with an initial install script. Now upload the absoluteBUSY modules to your webspace with FTP (file transfer program) and you are ready to go !!

absoluteBUSY can now be used from any location where you have internet access.

Remote Installation
: Upon request we will also do a remote installation of the system on your providers webspace. In this case we need FTP access and access to your MySQL/Maria DB database.


Using absoluteBUSY is like surfing on the internet, due to it's simple navigation and intuitive user interface.

absoluteBUSY works with only four objects, that can optionally be linked together:
· Companies and · Persons(always attached to a company)
· Projects
· Actions (optionally linked to a project, company and person)
· Sales (sales and opportunities)
This simple structure makes absoluteBUSY extremely easy to use and to understand without any training.

Companies (Contact Manager Module)
This is a kind of smart address book containing information about companies, accounts, leads an contact persons. For easy retrieval the contact-manager provides a bunch of freely defineable filter criterias (e.g. country, category, business ...). An unlimited number of activities (tasks, memos, ToDo) may - optionally - be linked to each company, thus providing a complete customer interaction history, including documents, quotes and other files.

Projects (Project Tracking Module)
Projects can be used in many ways to track project oriented work. Projects are a way of grouping related Actions for a specific project, lead, opportunity etc. An unlimited number of actions may - optionally - be linked to each project, thus providing a complete project history documenting the complete project lifecycle.

Activities (Task Tracking Module)
Activities can be stand alone or - optionally - be linked to a company, a person and a project. Activities are assigned to a certain user. On login all pending activities for the active user will be listed, thus providing an automatic reminder of things left to do. File upload is also possible for an activity, so it is possible to store quotes, drafts, contracts etc. and then easily find them again in the respective customer-history or project-history.

Sales (Sales and Opportunities Tracking Module)
Sales can be linked to a company/contact-person/project. Sales can have several sales stages, a sales data and a pending/won/lost result. The sales-pipeline is shown as simple list, ordered by prosepected sales date. On each company/person/project view screen a total summary of all pending/won/lost sales is shown + a list of sales details.
The sales reporting section lists top companies and top projects for immediately identifiying the most profitable businesses.

The Reporting Module
The reporting module contains functions for generating reports, statistics and data downloads. Downloads in CSV format can be used for further offline processing. (e.g. generating mass mailings to all customers with third party mail merge tools).

The Administration Module
The ADMINISTRATION module contains functions for user management and access control. All administration is done through a web based interface. User access is managed by a group based profiling system, which allows different access levels for different users. Users can be locked on the fly, which will then prohibit any further transactions for this user.


InfoParc - Christian Metzler

Hutweidengassse 69/2/14
1190 Vienna
Austria, Europe

Timezone: UTC + 1h


VAT-ID: ATU 48589905

ASP-model, hosted service available ?

We do not offer hosting services.
We can remotely install the absoluteBUSY package at a web hosting provider of your choice. You will have to sign up with a hosting provider and pay monthly subscription fees to your provider.

Some examples for web-hosting providers:




Server requirements:

Operating System: Linux, Windows, Mac OS

APACHE: the leading web server, free of charge (alternatively you can also use the IIS webserver on windows systems).

PHP: scripting language, free of charge

Maria DB: the powerful open source database server

XAMPP: we recommend XAMPP, the best Apache, PHP, Maria DB bundle for installation on windows, linux and mac OS.

User requirements:
Any web browser

JavaScript must be enabled.
Just see how absoluteBUSY performs on your workstation by starting the LIVE-Demo.

Web Hosting Providers:
Hosting provider must support Apache, PHP, MySQL to install absoluteBUSY.

Below find some examples for hosting providers:
dreamhost.com USA
pair.com USA

w3w.de Germany/EU

hostpoint.ch Switzerzland

Prices for web space vary between 5-10 EUR/month, depending on how much space you need.
absoluteBUSY requires max. 10 MByte Space for a database with some thousand contacts. If you use file attachments extensively in absoluteBUSY, then you might require some additional 100 MB space for file storage on the server.

absoluteBUSY is a product of InfoParc - Christian Metzler

update: 01-jan-2025